6 Ways to Increase Productivity with IT Solutions

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Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises are looking for new technologies to create efficient, innovative, and productive workforces. In addition, the rising trend towards remote working has accelerated the need for on-demand data, that is, data that is freely available and accessible — anytime and anywhere.

Productivity is the strategic alignment of vision, technology, and focus. In this strategic alignment, the role of technology is to unlock the attributes of vision and productivity – and most importantly, to enable productivity while staying within the budget.

How do IT management services play out in defining a path for workplace productivity?

IT management services transfer part or all of the everyday IT management responsibilities from a customer network environment to a trusted vendor. These services may include asset management, remote monitoring, configuration management, capacity planning, system support, and operation. Below we discuss many ways that IT management solutions boost workplace productivity across diverse sectors and in multiple ways.

Improved Efficiency

Efficiency simply implies getting the best from the available resources. IT service management has many components that help organizations capitalize and maximize their resources. One main component of IT management services is IT asset management that deals exclusively with a set of processes used to optimize lifecycle management of IT resources.

The IT asset management seeks out the most cost-effective approaches for asset procurement, use, and disposal. For enterprises and organizations working with the IT lifecycle management framework, processes for continual service management are crucial for ongoing efficiency. Therefore, managed IT services breed improved efficiency, thus leading to productivity as seen by the quality and quantity of the end output.

Connect Dispersed Employees

As the mobile workforce expands and the in-house staff contracts, businesses gradually embark on smaller office spaces. More and more enterprises and organizations are giving their employees the liberty and option to work from home. In addition, the coronavirus pandemic emblematic with social distancing and remote working has increased the focus on mobile capabilities.

Managed IT services center on connecting dispersed employees through remote monitoring, availability management, performance management, technical diagnostics, and remote monitoring. This means that these particular components of the managed IT services provide a benchmark to leapfrog your enterprise from on-premise to offsite management. By connecting dispersed employees, IT management solutions prove that productivity can be achieved when processes are automated.

Enable Collaborations

Collaboration is a crucial ingredient for productivity. However, employers should not be adjoining cubicles to achieve collaborations. With the abundance of open-source applications like Google’s cloud-based suite, employees working remotely can collaborate and share documents, files, and digital resources. Trusted vendors like Edafio Technology Partners are providing enterprises with managed IT solutions to boost their collaborations. Through IT consulting services, cloud computing, and healthcare consulting, cybersecurity solutions Edafio Technology has shown that enterprises can operate in a secure digital environment, exchange information, and streamline work processes. This collaboration breeds productivity because more work is done in less time and with improved efficiency.


By getting organized, enterprises save more time looking for things and allocate more time for essential tasks. Countless hours can be wasted searching through word documents and spreadsheets in large datasets — some of which are only accessible through laptops and desktops. Investing in a database that allows your employees to add and modify information will only result in inefficiencies as more information is added and as more employees require authorization to protected resources. Such a traditional and archaic system is prone to cyber incidents when access is not managed. Managed IT services improve workplace organization, thus leading to productivity as processes are streamlined.

Exploring Virtualization

Organizations and enterprises can extend the lifespan of old-school computers by virtualizing their operating systems to offsite servers. Virtualization helps lower hardware maintenance costs and capital expenditures by reducing the frequency of upgrades – and saving the cost of service upkeep. If enterprises have a virtualized environment, they can add components like the phone system to increase business redundancy and save more. It is important to note that it’s hard to be productive during a power outage since downtime charges are relatively expensive. Therefore, having a virtual copy of the IT infrastructure can get your team back up and running instantly — and enhance productivity across the enterprise.

Operational Costs

Infrastructure and operational costs represent approximately 60% of the total IT spending, with infrastructure and operational staff making up half of the total IT staffing requirements. As organizations increase in maturity and size, they must hire more IT technicians to keep up with rising demands. Failure to hire more technical IT staff may lead organizations to be overburdened by increasing IT requirements. IT managed services can help organizations scale their operations, thanks to automated features that reduce workloads for IT operators. IT management services cut operational costs – and these costs can be channeled to other business-critical areas for productivity purposes.

IT Management Solutions as a Frontier for Productivity

IT management solutions provide enterprises with a risk-free implementation of IT changes, hence enabling workforces to remain agile even in the face of change. IT management solutions provide change management processes ensuring that your enterprise or organization can implement new changes to the IT environment to help prevent the risk of hurting your enterprise with change. Highly productive organizations sustain phases of change with minor implications on their performance and operations. Therefore, IT management solutions remain critical in enabling organizations to create and support a change management process.

Finally, IT management solutions have defined business productivity by being efficient. Efficiency is achieved through the right tools and equipment, including computing resources, mobile, and cloud services. Managed IT services have enabled enterprises to be productive by improving workplace relations, offering support, and reducing distractions. In today’s business environment, companies are increasingly dependent on their internal IT to deliver business-critical functions. As IT functions become increasingly embedded in the day-to-day operation of enterprises, more organizations are choosing to adopt trusted vendors to meet their rapidly changing IT needs.

Reach Edafio Technology to increase productivity through IT management solutions.

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