5 Things That IT Consulting Services Evaluate.

5 Things That IT Consulting Services Evaluate.
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What IT Consultants Can See About Your Tech Environment

Even tech-savvy businesses can benefit from IT consulting services. Getting another perspective on your current tech strategy can help you find areas you may have overlooked. For instance, we often find that while many companies have taken great leaps forward in using cloud-based software and business analytics, many more have forgotten about cybersecurity. Likewise, your company may have yet to look far enough into the future to plan for essential changes. Consider five things that IT consulting services evaluate.

Whether Your Software Is Ready for Modern Business

Software is often one of the easiest upgrades to make, so it makes for a natural starting point when evaluating a company’s tech environment. If you’re still using older versions of software on a “buy-once-run-forever” model, you likely need to upgrade. Most programs have switched to the “Software-as-a-service” (SaaS) model. SaaS replaces those expensive semiannual payments with a lower monthly fee per user. However, you get the latest updates, new features, and more programs too!

Adobe, for example, made this transition several years ago. Nevertheless, companies that paid heavily for Creative Suite 6.0 keep old versions running to justify the investment. They’re missing out on heaps of features that could boost productivity. Likewise, Microsoft’s old office installs are a relic of the past. Office 365 is a SaaS product that gives you more power than before and much more than Google’s G-suite. Upgrading these programs is also vital for another important topic: cybersecurity.

Your Company’s Cybersecurity Readiness

Cybersecurity must be at the forefront of your tech environment. If you’re not taking a proactive approach to cybersecurity, odds are you’ll find yourself the victim of an attack. Should a cyberattack occur, your operations could come to a screeching halt. In the days it takes to restore functionality, you may have lost thousands or even millions of dollars. That’s before we even consider the costs of diagnosing and solving the problem, not to mention the damage to your reputation.

However, cyberattacks can have even more serious consequences in some cases. A ransomware attack may simply lock you out of your files, forcing you to restore from a backup. On the other hand, a more deliberate data breach could result in your customers’ private information being released on black markets. When customers find out, they may even sue your company. In fact, new laws make it easier for consumers to take action when their data is compromised.

Your Data Privacy Compliance Progress

Regardless of where your business is located, you must prepare for data privacy law compliance if you haven’t already. Our IT consultants are well aware of the latest trends in both technology and legislation. We’ll see if your company is ready to achieve compliance and, if it isn’t, what steps you need to take. Failure to follow these laws could lead to massive fines and potentially even being left out of certain markets.

For example, the European GDPR imposes strict requirements on companies to protect consumers’ personal information. In 2022, the EU fined Facebook’s parent company Meta nearly 700 million Euros for its repeated ignorance of the law. Even if your business is based in Arkansas, you must adhere to these rules if you want to do business with European companies. GDPR fines have even been issued to individuals in organizations. Everyone needs to have a compliance plan.

Whether Your Current Tech Strategy Is Working

If you’ve already got a tech strategy plan, we want to ensure it’s working for you. Perhaps you’ve reached some of your goals but others are running behind. We can help you identify what went wrong and help you right the ship. Companies often fail to meet their tech goals because they must allocate more funding to certain tech projects. Another common problem is not giving the IT department enough time to implement its plans.

It’s a good idea to update your plan every 2-3 years. Technology advances at a much faster pace than in other areas. While your sales plans or marketing strategies could last you for a decade, your IT plan simply cannot. We’re committed to our client’s success and want your goals to become a reality. To that end, we’ll work hand-in-hand with your team to craft a fresh plan for your IT future.

Upgrades That You Need to Start Planning

Upgrades often get put on the back burner. They cost money and create downtime, meaning that IT staff typically want to make upgrades as infrequently as possible. However, upgrades are a vital part of your tech environment. Putting them off for too long can hamper productivity. For instance, cloud-based systems are much more efficient than a local server. You can offload computing and storage to the cloud, save money, and boost productivity. We can help you make the switch smoothly.

Hardware upgrades should be planned in advance with an eye on upcoming technology. If you’re not aware of what’s just around the corner, you might upgrade to a platform or system that is just about to be made redundant. Conversely, buying the “best” tech isn’t necessarily what’s best for your business. We’ll examine your specific needs and craft a business-oriented solution just for your company. We aim to get exactly what you need to maximize your IT dollar’s value.

Get IT Consulting Services That Work for You

Those five things are just a few areas that IT consulting services examine when meeting with a company. However, there are many more possibilities to consider, including managed IT services and virtual networking, tools that can help your business scale. At Edafio, our team of expert IT engineers carefully examines your business to determine exactly what solutions are ideal for your current situation and future goals.

Contact Edafio Technology Partners to schedule a 30-minute meeting with one of our technology specialists. Our team will devote itself to your success.

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