Data Management: Is Your Company’s Environment Becoming Increasingly Complex?

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Today’s business is almost entirely digital. Even though modern technology brings numerous advantages, it also creates new challenges for companies. Data management is one of the biggest obstacles for businesses of all sizes. Many managers and entrepreneurs are unaware of managing their data and keeping work flowing smoothly. Managed service providers can give your company the support it needs to succeed in an increasingly digital data environment. Here’s how we address modern data problems.

Data management was relatively easy when computers were only used by a handful of employees for highly specialized tasks. Companies saw computers as an extension of their existing file cabinets, using bits instead of paper and manila folders. Eventually, building-wide servers became the standard solution, consolidating data in one device. However, as data needs have continued to evolve, companies face a much more complex data environment compared to that of just a few years ago.

Businesses now juggle many different kinds of files for a wide array of applications. Data is no longer in one single location as remote work and cloud computing have become commonplace. Many of the old data management practices that worked for decades are now obsolete. This new data reality presents unique challenges and risks for companies regardless of size. Consider some of the issues businesses face today and how your company can best tackle these problems:

Managing Data Across Multiple Mediums

Does your company have data in multiple locations? How can you consolidate and unify your data environment when you have multiple offices or have data strewn across numerous devices? This problem has grown in recent years. Even a small business with only one physical location may have data scattered across employees’ personal devices, company servers, local machines, and cloud storage. This leads to a chaotic data environment that can make it difficult for employees to collaborate effectively.

Furthermore, having data distributed across various devices increases your data security risks. Backups are more complicated when data is not centralized, leading to unwanted data loss. More concerning still is the fact that data theft is on the rise. Cyberattacks are even more common on small and medium businesses since most criminals know they haven’t invested enough in data security. It’s vital to consolidate your data to manage everything through a central control system.

Curating Data for Analytics

Companies don’t just want to have data; they want to use it to gain insights and improve their business practices. Making your data work for you is crucial to gain a competitive advantage. However, when your data is disorganized, your analysts spend far more time curating data than actually processing it. Not only does this slow down your data analysis, it also bloats your budget. Your analysts command high salaries. Maximize their value.

Compounding this issue further is the fact that different departments use unique programs for their operations. You may, for instance, use a tool like Salesforce for your sales department, while your financial area uses an accounting tool like FreshBooks or Xero. Unifying these data sets can be a challenge. However, modern data management tools can pull data from multiple sources and organize it to make it easier to analyze all of your data.

Compliance With Data Privacy Laws

The latest challenge for companies comes in the form of legal requirements. There is a growing movement for consumers to have rights over their personal data, especially as more companies rely on consumer data to turn a profit. This has culminated in legislation in several jurisdictions. For example, California passed the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (CCPA), a law that requires companies doing business there to protect consumers’ personal information. Failure to do so can result in fines and lawsuits from affected consumers.

These laws even affect companies that aren’t based in the area. For instance, if your company works with European customers, you must comply with EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). If not, you could lose out on valuable business opportunities. The GDPR, like other data privacy laws, requires companies to encrypt and anonymize consumer data, among other security requirements. More laws like these will appear. Your business has to be prepared.

Managed Service Providers Stop Data Chaos

Managed service providers can give your company the support it needs to overcome these data challenges. Instead of hiring a full staff of IT experts to tackle your data, you can get access to a whole team with managed services. With managed services, another company manages your IT needs, working hand in hand with your existing IT staff.

Managed services make IT spending predictable since you pay a flat rate for the services you need every month. You can scale up your managed services as your business grows without worrying about onboarding new hires. Best of all, managed services can integrate seamlessly into your operations thanks to cloud technology. Consider how managed services can empower your company.

Managed Data Security

Data security starts with cyber security. Your company needs to protect itself from a wide variety of threats. The best way to do this is to use 24/7 monitoring tools that can patrol your file system and track access to your systems. If anything unusual appears, these programs can quickly stop it. They’re also able to learn from your employees’ habits, meaning you’ll have fewer false alarms as time goes on.

Improved Data Management

The key to managing all of your data is to unify it. The cloud is the best solution for this, but many companies don’t know exactly what they need to get started. You might already use some cloud-based programs like Microsoft 365. We’ll evaluate your company’s cloud readiness and recommend other programs to use. Our experts can even help you deploy cloud solutions to get your data under control. From there, we’ll make sure your backups are regular and secure. 

If your company struggles to keep its data in check, managed services are the solution. Contact Edafio Technology Partners today to learn how our managed services can help your company overcome its data woes.

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