Meet Hannah Huie, Our July Associate Spotlight

July Associate Spotlight, picture of Hannah Huie
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July Associate Spotlight, Picture of Hannah Huie

In every highly successful and dynamic business, a treasure trove of dedicated individuals come together as a team to create success. However, amidst the day-to-day demands of work, the essence and true spirit of such an exceptional team can sometimes be overlooked. What sets Edafio apart is the outstanding associates, each bringing a diverse range of skills and presence to the organization, contributing to its uniqueness and success. Through our associate spotlight interviews, we have the privilege of sharing their remarkable professional achievements, and the meaningful stories, that have shaped their lives. We take pride at Edafio in illuminating the incredible uniqueness of our fellow associates. Our hope is that, just as we were inspired during the process of gathering their stories, you too will find a source of inspiration in our Associate Spotlights. Today we are delighted to recognize Hannah Huie, an invaluable and exceptional asset to the Edafio Team, as one of our esteemed July Associate Spotlights. Let’s take this opportunity to get to know Hannah a little better!

What initially attracted you to join Edafio, and how has your experience been so far? 

Edafio really stood out to me when I applied, because it felt like everyone who worked here wanted to be here. I immediately felt welcomed into the team. My experience has been really good! I started out on the NOC, and after a year and a half I moved to start working with the CARTI onsite team and it’s been great!

 What motivates and inspires you in your work?

The knowledge that what I am doing is truly helping someone. It really is great motivation to know that fixing a computer issue can then help a nurse or clinician do their job, so they can in turn help a patient receive the care they need.

Are there any hobbies or special talents that you enjoy outside of work?

I enjoy spending time with my family. I have three nephews and one niece, and I love to spend all my time spoiling them as much as I can!

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

Ever since I was about 10 or so I’ve wanted to go to Scotland. I traveled there in April for two weeks, visiting London and Edinburgh, which was incredible! I think for my next trip I plan on going to the Grecian islands!

Are there any upcoming personal or professional goals that you’re excited about pursuing?

Right now I am in the process of trying to buy my first house. It has been very overwhelming, but I am excited to start this new chapter in my life!

What’s your favorite thing about the culture and environment at Edafio?

My favorite thing about the culture here at Edafio is that everyone knows they have a specific role to perform, and tasks to accomplish. We help each other meet our individual, team and company goals. Knowledge sharing is everywhere, and no question is too small to be asked.

July Associate Spotlight, Picture of Hannah Huie

For an opportunity to work with individuals like Hannah and share in the spotlight, visit our carers page to learn more.

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